Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Rove To Walk?

TalkLeft continues to make the case that:

1) Rove squealed.

2) That Rove may get a sweetheart deal and either walk, or get a minimal charge.

Go read the post for the details.

My question is this. If Rove gets no charge, what will Bush do? He and the walking talking points boys would have plenty of rationale for Rove to stay in his job, technically. But what of the political fallout? And how would "mr. I'm loyal to the end" Bush feel about having someone who sold other's down the river in his administration? Wouldn't this put Bush/Rove into a position of "getting off on a technicality" and thus become a real drag on the GOP?

Perhaps even more intriguing is this. Suppose Rove is charged with the most minimal of charges and get's probation. Is he resigned?

Personally, unless Fitzgerald completely clears Rove, which looks pretty unlikely, I think Rove is still toast. But then again, Bush has never been known for having a lot of brains.

As throughout this whole matter, it should be interesting!


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