Thursday, October 27, 2005

Feral Fight

This is kinda a follow-up on the previous post about GOP hypocrisy and Miers.

Digby has a nice post-reminder about the coming days. In short, he reminds us that RoveCo and his operational arm, Bush, have an extensive record of successfully destroying people for gain. Digby concludes:
This is going to be a huge battle, don't ever think it won't. Pat Fitzgerald is going to be destroyed as if he were a Democrat. I hope that the real Democrats who appear on television are preparing for this and are ready to respond. It won't be pretty.
Approaching this from a slightly different angle, I'd offer this. In my work with people, and in studying personalities, I learned one really dynamic and scaring thing. People who suffer from narcissism (or Borderline personality disorder or Histrionic personality disorder) approach conflict very differently than normal people. When cornered, they will do anything to destroy you. Where other's would retreat under obvious conditions of self-destruction, they'll sacrifice themselves to destroy you if they perceive you as evil (a projection btw).

Political experience with BushCo, along with a little understanding of personalities would suggest that while Bush may be down, he's not out. Don't be surprised if the Bush administrations behavior gets much much worse. It is a dangerous time for our country and the threat is real. Rule of law doesn't matter to these people...only what they can get away with.

This is why I think this period in history is a test of patriots, particularly on the Republican side of the aisle. For the next three years, any limits will certainly have to be imposed on the Bush administration from outside forces. Do not expect voluntary acquiesence for the good of the country.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Lynne said...

Wow, lots to think about here.
I'm just hoping that this regime self destructs in a manner that the whole world can see.

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why I think this period in history is a test of patriots,.. For the next three years, any limits will certainly have to be imposed on the Bush administration from outside forces. Do not expect voluntary acquiesence for the good of the country.

I think it's a time of testing our values, personally, as a nation/culture, and as world citizens. Once Dems get back in power, who's to say there won't be some psychologically unhealthy persons in charge then, too? It's not who they are but what they do... (and not who we are/ what we do). I certainly agree with the need for external supervision. That's what the checks and balances paradigm is supposed to do. At present we can only rely on the weakened judiciary and a few voices in Congress.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger greyhair said...


Very well said.


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